Registration takes place from January 1 to February 14, 2023. They can register online at during these dates. They can also register in person at the Quehanna Lodge in Karthaus, Pa on Jan 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th between 1 and 3 pm. We also accept registrations in the mail at PO Box 94, Karthaus, Pa 16845. The cost to enter is $10 for the Elk Antler Shed Hunt. Anyone can sign up for this event. The Deer Antler Shed Hunt is for kids 12 and under. The cost to register for the Deer Shed Hunt is also $10. The scoring takes place on May 27th at the Pottersdale Park from 11 am to 1 pm. The winner of the Elk Antler Shed Hunt wins 50% of the registration fees. The winner of the Deer Antler Shed Hunt also gets 50% of the registration fees. We divide 40% of the registration fees amongst the remaining people who bring an antler on scoring day but do not win. The QIDC donates 5% of the registration fees to KECA. The QIDC keeps the remaining 5%.