Lantern Walk: Downtown DuBois
October 9, 2021
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

The DuBois Area Historical Society will offer a step back in time to the late 1950s and early 1960s with its Thirteenth Spirit of DuBois Lantern Walk on Saturday, October 9.
The first tour leaves from the Society's E. D. Reitz Museum, 30 W. Long Ave., DuBois, at 5 p.m. Additional walks will leave every 15 minutes starting. To make advance reservations for a specific walk time, telephone 814-371-4627 between 10 a.m. and 9 p.m., starting September 20. Tour groups will be limited to 20 people. Walk-ins are also welcome and will be assigned to the next available tour. The walk is a little less than a mile and will last a little over an hour.
Tours will stop at several locations throughout the downtown area. The walk will show how a youngster of the time period would have prepared for back-to-school, business people they would have encountered, activities they participated in, while encountering a few other prominent DuBois residents.
Admission to the Spirit of DuBois Lantern Walk is $5 for adults and $3 for students, with children sixth grade and younger free if accompanied by an adult. All proceeds benefit the DuBois Area Historical Society. The program is suitable for all ages.
"This Lantern Walk was delayed for one year, due to the COVID pandemic," said Tom Schott, chair of the Lantern Walk committee. "The Society is very pleased to bring this event back to the people of the DuBois area. We believe we have another fine presentation."
Veteran Lantern Walk performers Ella Cherico, Robin Powers, Caroline Rhoades, Tom Shade, Sue Stapleton, Caleb Thompson, and Hannah Thompson will be joined by several newcomers Caitlin Kalgren, Evan Shields, and Joe Shields in the presentation.
The DuBois Area Historical Society
30 W Long Ave., DuBois, PA 15801
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